Adequate Growth with SE for Ed Evals
Though this page is still under construction, news is getting out about a more intuitive and user-friendly growth measure for state assessments. Adequate Growth with Standard Error is a measure that suggests a student is growing enough from one year to the next to maintain or obtain proficiency. In other words, a proficient student has maintained proficiency without concern of dropping too far OR a student who is not close to proficiency has likely improved, closing the gap to proficiency.
"...essentially, all (statistical) models are wrong, but some models are useful." - George E.P. Box
"...essentially, all (statistical) models are wrong, but some models are useful." - George E.P. Box
Adeq Growth: WHY & WHAT
NOTE: Click here for the shorter video on WHAT or click below for the longer video on WHY and WHAT.
Video minute by minute breakdown:
0 - 2 min = Flexibility given in state law (PA 173) 2-4:30 min = Adeq Growth vs SGP defined** 4:30-8:12 min = Issues that occur with SGPs 8:12-11:40 min = Specific explanation of Adeq Growth with Standard Error** **NOTE: Primary portions included in Shorter Video |
Adeq Growth: HOW with EidexThis video shows users of Eidex, or other platforms, the autonomy offered to districts with some guidance.
Video minute by minute breakdown:
0 - 2:40 min = District autonomy to set criteria for effectiveness ratings and weighting multiple years 2:40 - 4:48 = District to set maintaining, improvement, decline, and how close to proficient (or use defaults) 4:48 - 6:17 = District level aggregation, building level, content, or grade span aggregation |
Setting Reasonable Targets for Adequate Growth w/ Std.Err.
Schools have the autonomy to set their own targets for Effective and Highly Effective. As a possible starting point, you may wish to consider the collective commitment to use a common, sliding scale that adjusts for poverty, similarly to the RNN Data Tool. Most districts choose one of the five ranges below based on their overall poverty rating. Of course, you can be more specific with a linear equation as well. Most districts are using a district wide attribution based on grade span for all teachers (e.g. K-5, 6-8, and 9-12) or (e.g. K-7 and 8-12).
More resources coming soon...
The use of Adequate Growth w/SE began in the Ottawa Area ISD, where they created a PIVOT table in MS Excel for both M-STEP data 3-8 and PSAT/SAT data 9-11. Traverse Bay Area ISD has coded the process and is willing to calculate Adequate Growth for others. Since then, Eidex has developed the tool featured above for M-STEP and will likely produce a similar tool for PSAT/SAT, coming soon.
The OAISD is also working collaboratively with the MI Data Hubs to make this more available to the rest of the state. If you would like to utilize this in your own system, please contact Doug Greer ([email protected]) for more information.
The OAISD is also working collaboratively with the MI Data Hubs to make this more available to the rest of the state. If you would like to utilize this in your own system, please contact Doug Greer ([email protected]) for more information.