While the school improvement page of this site contains many useful resources for writing your school improvement plan (upon completing a thorough Gather/Study process, of course!), below are several resources we feel deserve additional expansion.
Check out the Implementation Planning Flowchart (Word doc) (PDF) to organize your planning process .
Program Evaluation Tool - Planning The program evaluation tool proposed for statewide adoption has now been divided into two sections: planning and evaluation. The planning section of the tool should be completed in conjunction with the addition of appropriate strategies into your school improvement plan. The tool assesses readiness for implementation, and requires you to create action steps that will become the activities portion of your plan. |
Instructional Practices - The "Gold Standard"
Prior to implementing any strategy, a "gold standard" for implementation should be established. Begin the process by completing the Instructional Practices Unpacking Tool (Word Doc) (PDF); once the strategies in your SIP have been identified and expanded, complete an Instructional Practices Management Tool for each. The process should then culminate in the completion of an Implementation Guide detailing the gold standard, acceptable, and unacceptable variations. Additional recommended planning tools include the Activity Planning Guide (Word doc) (PDF) and the assessment-driven Monitoring Map (Word doc) (PDF). |
One-Pager School Improvement Essentials
Upon completion of their plan, the school improvement team should have created a one- to two-page document to be distributed to teachers delineating the specific strategies to be implemented/progress monitored (narrow, focused, simple list!). For rationale, see this excerpt from Jim Knight's Unmistakable Impact. For sample one-pagers from actual schools (varying dramatically in format and included components), select from the list below.
KRESA One Page Overview PDF (or MS Word)
Sample District One-pager
Quarterly monitoring survey
Evidence letter/list
School improvement tasks matrix
SI strategies to be progress monitored
Student achievement/growth data being tracked
KRESA One Page Overview PDF (or MS Word)
Sample District One-pager
Quarterly monitoring survey
Evidence letter/list
School improvement tasks matrix
SI strategies to be progress monitored
Student achievement/growth data being tracked