District or School Improvement Plan
Less State Compliance Reporting in 2018/19
In the fall, schools begin to function under their newly adopted school improvement plan (State Deadline of September 1 ... Practical Deadline June 1). On the Portfolio tab on the ASSIST platform and the in slides below, schools will see each of the SIP individual components. The ED YES! Report and the School Data Analysis diagnostic will not be assigned tasks in ASSIST. However, best practice dictates you should look at your data prior to creating or modifying your district or school improvement plans by using the Needs Assessment Process formerly CNA Process.
click image to enlarge image
A memo from MDE outlines the current submission requirements for School and District Improvement plans. There are TWO OPTIONS for submitting your Improvement Plan by June: 1) ASSIST Template online with AdvancED or 2) Abbreviated Goals/Plan Template.
Option #1 ASSIST - UPDATE Goals and Plans in ASSIST. (Podcasts found below to remind users how to quickly update the ASSIST Platform).
Option #2 Abbreviated Plan - Complete and upload the Abbreviate Goals and Plan either by an improved Google Doc with some support or the Original Template without support. This is two page vision of the late Brian Whiston.
Although schools have options for how they report their Goals and Plans, ALL schools will be assigned and must submit the Improvement Plan Assurance.
- Here is an example of the MDE AdvancED Goals and Plans as found in the Assist platform:
- Blank (Goal Template PDF) or (MS Word version)
- ELA (Close and Critical Reading PDF)
- Math (Math Goal PDF) along with the companion Implementation Guide for Math MTSS. The Sample Math Goal also features recommendations for "screening up" with Delta Math that allows teachers to consider the tool for a quality Student Learning Objective, see SLO Page.
- Science (Science Goal PDF)
- Health (Health Goal PDF)
- Example #1 (6-8 Middle School Math with both state and benchmark data)
- Example #2 (Elementary math example but lacks monitoring/evaluation components)
- In terms of simple navigation of the system, MDE and AdvancED have developed a user-friendly Technical Guide for Building Goals and Plans (PDF).
Option #2 Abbreviated Plan - Complete and upload the Abbreviate Goals and Plan either by an improved Google Doc with some support or the Original Template without support. This is two page vision of the late Brian Whiston.
- Here are three examples of completed Abbreviated Goals and Plans:
- Example #1 (Alternative Education Program)
- Example #2 (6-8 Middle School)
- Example #3 (Elementary)
Although schools have options for how they report their Goals and Plans, ALL schools will be assigned and must submit the Improvement Plan Assurance.
When Senate Bill 685 was signed into law on June 12, 2018, SI Plans must contain a variety of age appropriate career informational resources for Grades K-12. To support how to best meet this compliance requirement, a group activity was developed to guide districts on where the most logical place to put this information in the SI Plan.
Goals (found on Goals & Plans tab)
As the system has changed over the years, the previous structure of student-focused goals and SMART objectives followed by staff-focused strategies and specific activities has remained the same. This one-page School Improvement Goal Components document will not only define Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Activities, but will also offer some basic guidance for writing each of these four pieces.
Below you will find resources on how to write academic goals into your DIP/SIP. |
How to quickly complete a School Improvement Plan
How to Create, Attach, Complete and Submit |
For additional videos to help with ASSIST, please visit the ASSIST Support Page. Featured on the remainder of this page is the support for the GOALS and PLAN (which is essentially a PDF or snap shot of your goals at a specific point in time). Please note, GOALS are different then all the other diagnostic reports. Diagnostic reports have a template and must be started by creating a diagnostic and update as you work on them. However, Goals are to be considered a fluid document you may update at anytime and constantly evolves. When you are DONE making changes to your SIP prior to submitting to MDE, you must in essence "take a snapshot" at that moment in time of what your goals look like. This snapshot is accomplished by capturing a PDF that we call a PLAN and can be create on the PLAN tab when you are done making edits.