EdYES! Report (School Systems Review, Interim Self-Assessment, Self-Assessment)
Schools are required to submit an EdYES! Report by March 20, 2015. There are four variations of the EdYES! report -- each school is assigned the appropriate report in the ASSIST platform of AdvancED. For MDE-accredited schools the School Systems Review is assigned. For NCA-accredited buildings, either the Self-Assessment (long version of the profile) or the Interim SA (shorter version) is required. If you are unsure about whether you have been assigned the correct report, check with your local ISD. Districts have a similar requirement to submit a district level process report and are assigned either the District Systems Review (DSR) or a District-SA /Interim SA (if the district is NCA-accredited). District reports are due April 17, 2015. If you need help navigating ASSIST and starting/duplicating a report, click here to view a short video that focuses on reports and a brief tour in the 2nd half that can easily be skipped.
NEW in ASSIST: Don't start from scratch, rather "COPY" a diagnostic report from last year and make the appropriate adjustments prior to submitting by late March!
NEW in ASSIST: Don't start from scratch, rather "COPY" a diagnostic report from last year and make the appropriate adjustments prior to submitting by late March!
Click the ASSIST Support page to see additional screenshots with directions on how to copy any diagnostic report that has not changed from last year.
For example,2013/14 was the first year schools could copy reports completely. Schools were able to copy every diagnostic except Title I since that report changed. Keep in mind, Goals are not diagnostics. |
Remember that there are a number of steps each report requires from start to finish. For each assigned task, you must activate each component, work with stakeholders to complete each component, upload the component in the Portfolio, mark each component complete, and finally submit the task when all components have been completed. To aid in surmounting this issue, feel free to view a short video (1 min 30 seconds) on how to mark each report complete, attach it, and submit it within ASSIST.
AdvancED has available a very helpful EdYES! Guidance Document that should guide any user to:
AdvancED has available a very helpful EdYES! Guidance Document that should guide any user to:
- Steps to activating the appropriate report (pp. 6-8)
- Steps to completing the report in ASSIST (pp. 9-11)
- Reports available in ASSIST (p. 11)
- Steps for building to "submit" report (Due by March 20, 2015) (p. 12)
- Steps for the district to "approve" building level reports (formerly "transmit") (p. 13)
Involving stakeholders in the EdYES! Report
School Systems Review (SSR or Interim SA or SA)
Complete in chunks throughout winter months to be finished typically by mid-February (March 20, 2015 due to the new platform: ASSIST)
1) COLLECT staff perception for the SSR indicators, which are integrated with the School Improvement Framework. You may want to consider how you will GATHER the data in order to define the problem without one person/group having to complete all SSR indicators. Possible solutions:
In addition, key stakeholders need to look for patterns across each of the five groups by answering the focus question: "What in our systems and practices may be impacting our student achievement goals?"
3) REPORT the results in AdvancED in mid February (internal deadlines are usually first week of March) so the district can review reports before "approving" by March 20, 2015.
Complete in chunks throughout winter months to be finished typically by mid-February (March 20, 2015 due to the new platform: ASSIST)
1) COLLECT staff perception for the SSR indicators, which are integrated with the School Improvement Framework. You may want to consider how you will GATHER the data in order to define the problem without one person/group having to complete all SSR indicators. Possible solutions:
- Create subgroups of staff (works best when each group has a variety of grade levels/contents represented). Print the SSR template and assign several indicators to each group. Have each group complete their indicators, rating the building overall. Then have each group log in to ASSIST and select the descriptive paragraph that best describes the school's status, as well as checking each piece of supporting evidence that applies.
- Next, have each group discuss which indicators should be a focus for the next three years; each group should attempt to narrow the focus to only two or three.
- Combine two to three groups and have them again discuss which three or four indicators are the most important to focus on over the next three years. Repeat this process until you have approximately 8-10 target indicators out of the 26. For the next two years, you may choose to only fully engage the staff in addressing those eight indicators, rather than addressing all.
- Have a smaller group of staff look over the responses collectively and answer the Focus Question at the end of each strand. You may also wish to have the staff brainstorm on possible ways to improve their status on the target indicators, for use as you continue your school improvement process.
- If you wish to have the entire staff supply input on the entire set of indicators, you may choose to utilize some sort of an electronic survey (Google Form, Zoomerang, Infinite Campus, etc.) and break them up into smaller segments 26 is simply overwhelming in one setting.
In addition, key stakeholders need to look for patterns across each of the five groups by answering the focus question: "What in our systems and practices may be impacting our student achievement goals?"
3) REPORT the results in AdvancED in mid February (internal deadlines are usually first week of March) so the district can review reports before "approving" by March 20, 2015.
Resources for SSR, DSR, and Interim Self-Assessment
SSR 26 template from MDE
DSR 10 template from MDE District level 10 indicators (NOT required for single building districts)
Interim SA Building template Required for buildings that are NCA/AdvancED Accredited
Interim SA District template from MDE (Updated version not yet released from AdvancED or MDE)
DSR 10 template from MDE District level 10 indicators (NOT required for single building districts)
Interim SA Building template Required for buildings that are NCA/AdvancED Accredited
Interim SA District template from MDE (Updated version not yet released from AdvancED or MDE)

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material from ISD's across MI is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
material from ISD's across MI is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.