Individual Student Activities
- "Define" individual deficiencies using Winter Benchmark data, progress monitoring data and classroom formative assessments.
- "Develop" a plan to change instructional strategies within the classroom to address multiple groups of students that typically fall into three categories: those ready to learn new material (70-80%); those who already know what you plan to teach (10%); and those who lack the fundamental skills needed (10-20%). The final group may have different needs based on deficit area(s).
- "Implement" differentiated instruction based on well designed lesson plan that was driven by data. Utilize additional resources if available recognizing the first RtI Tier of re-teaching occurs in the general ed classroom.
- "Evaluate" the progress of students through formative assessment in order to recycle the process (Define the new problem, Plan, Implement, re-assess) if applicable. Summative assessment should be tiered with fundamental skills and learning targets at varying Bloom's taxonomy levels.

Practical MI School Improvement Timeline by EUPISD and OAISD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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