School Process Profiles (2011/12) or EdYES! Report (2012/13)
(SPR 40/90, DPR 19, Interim Self-Assessment, Self-Assessment)
With the new ASSIST platform within AdvancED, there is some new language as seen in yellow above. The School Process Profiles are now called an EdYES! Report that is due on April 1, 2013 for school buildings and a similar report on April 15, 2013 for districts. For NCA accredited buildings, the Self-Assessment (SA) is now the long version and the Interim SA refers to the shorter version. If you need help navigating ASSIST and starting one of these reports for the first time, click here or click the picture of the ASSIST log in below.
What about streamlining the process?
In the spring of 2012, MDE was undergoing a process to streamline the system and reduce redundancies as called for by the ESEA Flexibility Waiver. One proposal that seemed to gain universal acceptance was a six-year cycle based on our current reports. The proposal is still in the final stages of approval; however, the question beckons: How might schools integrate pieces of the proposal immediately?
For instance, the proposal recommends that schools spend a great deal of time involving stakeholders in processing 40 or 90 indicators and then lift a smaller subset (8-12) on which to focus; then schools would only re-evaluate those 8-12 in the two subsequent years. |
This approach is one way to increase the effectiveness of your process--and also happens to align with the proposal, further preparing you for its potential adoption.
Involving stakeholders in the (new) EdYES! Report
School Process Rubrics (SPR 40 or SPR 90 or Interim SA or SA)
Complete in chunks throughout winter months to be finished typically by mid-February (mid-March, 2013 due to the new platform ASSIST)
1) COLLECT staff perception for the 40 or 90 indicators, which are integrated with the School Improvement Framework. You may want to consider how you will GATHER the data in order to define the problem without one person/group having to complete all 40 or 90 indicators. Possible solutions:
3) REPORT the results in AdvancED in mid February (drop point deadline usually first week of March)
NOTE: The SPR 90 Google Survey(s) (aka Form) is "public" but set to "view only." Anyone with the links below can access the survey, they simply cannot us it until they sign in (or create) a Google Account, then click "File" and select "Make a Copy" (much like "save as" in MS applications).
You need to "Make a Copy" and rename the file using your School name. You then become the owner of the survey and may manipulate it in any way that you want. If additional help needed, watch the Instructional Video.
Complete in chunks throughout winter months to be finished typically by mid-February (mid-March, 2013 due to the new platform ASSIST)
1) COLLECT staff perception for the 40 or 90 indicators, which are integrated with the School Improvement Framework. You may want to consider how you will GATHER the data in order to define the problem without one person/group having to complete all 40 or 90 indicators. Possible solutions:
- Create subgroups of staff representing grade levels/content areas and assign each a strand/set of rubrics to complete and study, generating report-able results. Simply print the Complete SPR 90 template and "deal" out each indicator as if playing cards depending on how many groups you have (4-8 recommended). Then have each group log in to AdvancED and submit both their evidence and "enter the response" on the rubric guideline (you may recommend that they check everything below the level they feel they have reached.
- If you are wishing to have the entire staff supply input on the entire set of indicators, you may wish to utilize some sort of an electronic survey (Google Form, Zoomerang, Infinite Campus, etc.) and break them up into smaller segments as 40 (or 90) is simply overwhelming in one setting.
- In addition to reporting electronically (survey or AdvancED), small groups should report out as a whole group, define a focused list of indicators by celebrating 3-5 and highlighting 3-5 that need additional systemic improvement. Key point: not all indicators should be "implemented"--focus on systems issues, not isolated examples.
3) REPORT the results in AdvancED in mid February (drop point deadline usually first week of March)
NOTE: The SPR 90 Google Survey(s) (aka Form) is "public" but set to "view only." Anyone with the links below can access the survey, they simply cannot us it until they sign in (or create) a Google Account, then click "File" and select "Make a Copy" (much like "save as" in MS applications).
You need to "Make a Copy" and rename the file using your School name. You then become the owner of the survey and may manipulate it in any way that you want. If additional help needed, watch the Instructional Video.
Resources for SPR 40/90, DPR 19, and Interim Self-Assessment
Full Google Survey of SPR 90 indicators and the Complete SPR 90 template providing the rubric breakdown per indicator and suggested evidence. Additional electronic surveys through Google and the corresponding MS Word document with the detailed rubric indicators and suggested evidence are listed below:
SPR40 (EdYES!) Google Form NEW as of 2013 in the ASSIST platform
SPR 40 template from MDE
Other 50 indicators Google Form 90 minus SPR 40 indicators; plus 2 indicators that were new to SPR40
Other 50 template from MDE
DPR 19 Google Form District level 19 indicators (NOT required for single building districts)
DPR 19 template from MDE
Interim SA Building Google Form SA required for buildings that are NCA/AdvancED Accrediated
Interim SA Building template from MDE
Interim SA District Google Form SA required for districts that are NCA/AdvancED Accrediated
Interim SA District template from MDE
Note: Self-Assessment (SA - full version) unavailable at this time due to time constraints and lack of requests.
SPR40 (EdYES!) Google Form NEW as of 2013 in the ASSIST platform
SPR 40 template from MDE
Other 50 indicators Google Form 90 minus SPR 40 indicators; plus 2 indicators that were new to SPR40
Other 50 template from MDE
DPR 19 Google Form District level 19 indicators (NOT required for single building districts)
DPR 19 template from MDE
Interim SA Building Google Form SA required for buildings that are NCA/AdvancED Accrediated
Interim SA Building template from MDE
Interim SA District Google Form SA required for districts that are NCA/AdvancED Accrediated
Interim SA District template from MDE
Note: Self-Assessment (SA - full version) unavailable at this time due to time constraints and lack of requests.
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