MDE's Parent Dashboard ... Still the best for transparency
A brief Guide to State Assessment (PDF) using the Parent Dashboard and the RNN Data Tools are available as well as an eight minute video tutorial found on the "Accountability 2019" page. "Parent Dashboard 2018." Additional resources and video tutorials on the complexity of the School Index are also found on the pre-pandemic page. A third tool of interest compares schools across the nation using the SEDA Data Tool.
School Index (2022) - Federal ESSA Accountability
The School Index was again released in December, 2022 with a significant increase on schools labeled Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) which typically identifies the lowest performing schools in the state. The "School Index on MI School Data" video provides an 11-minute overview of the School Index. The video is also divided into to sections that you may choose to skip ahead to a specific section.
After learning about the School Index, like many other accountability systems, you might be feeling that "One Way or Another" they are gonna get-cha, get-cha, get-cha. If so, enjoy this fun video from Hocus Pocus 2: All joking aside, the School Index has become a useful way to examine subgroup data by using the new "View More" under the "Support Category." The second video, "School Index part 2 Support Categories" is also broken down by sections tht you may wish to skip ahead to the most applicable sections for you. The video covers a subgroup analysis that is applicable to the MICIP Platform and data story. MDE has a number of resources available on the School Index page , with helpful documents such as the Index System Guide and brief descriptions of what it means to be identified as CSI, ATS, or TSI.
In addition, David Hundt, MAISD, has produced several short videos supporting each component of the School Index to support schools statewide: |
0:00 Intro to MI School Data
0:27 Parent Dashboard 1:18 Student Growth "Progress" Missing? 2:27 School Index (Preview with Sign-In) 3:30 Redistribution of Growth Index 4:35 Understanding Targets (IMPORTANT) 7:29 CSI and ATS Labels 10:00 Additional Support & Resources This is the second video for the School Index 2022 release and covers subgroup data.
0:00 Intro to part 2, useful tool for subgroups 1:31 How close was your school to a label? 2:06 Navigating the Index for subgroups below the 25th percentile for potential TSI status 5:10 Understanding the metrics using growth 6:58 Creating a new Data Story in MICIP 8:43 Using the Index Data to tell the story 9:54 Farewell |
School (Letter) Grades 2022 - State Accountability System
Watch the whole video or skip ahead:
0:00 School Grades Introduction 1:08 Grading Scales in FAQ 2:01 Similarities to the Parent Dashboard 3:19 Performance of Peers with Free Lunch 4:30 Similarities to the Reading Now Network 5:30 Subgroups also compared to peers 6:41 Exempt Schools (e.g. Special pops) 7:05 Identifying Reward and CSI Schools |
MDE released the School Grades for the state accountability of the lowest and highest performing schools on December 20, 2022. The lowest performing Schools (State CSI) were primarily identifed on a graduation rate below 67%, aligning with the School Index as well. There were 43 schools identified as State CSI and only 9 of the 43 were identfied due to having the lowest indicator on Proficiecy, Growth, and Performance among Peers (a comparison to similar schools). There were also 718 schools identified as REWARD Schools due to having the highest indicator on Proficiency Growth, OR Performance among Peers.
MDE has a number of resources available on School Grades page, including an Excel Document to download containing the data for the entire state, and a Resource Toolkit containing numerous links. A brief 2019 document explaining the similarities to the Parent Dashboard, School Index, and A-F Report Card (PA 601 of 2018) might also be helpful. |