Getting Started with MICIPThe video above has a few important take-aways about the resources found on this page for MICIP 2021.
Set aside the check list and 100 pages of documents that you once did for school improvement, let it go,
and just take a moment to breath a sigh of relief. MICIP is about a meaningful and practical process that allows you to summarize your data story and strategies in a concise manner, similar to an infographic (i.e. Bear Valley LCAP). The other big shift, there is NO LONGER a requirement to submit a school improvement plan. In fact, the requirement is now to create a DISTRICT Improvement Plan that will have strategies and activities associated to all buildings or clusters of buildings. Therefore, it is essential that there be back and forth communication between the District Improvement Team (DIT) and the School Leadership Teams (SLT), likely with certain members of each SLT represented on the DIT. The illustration of a large district team should include information flowing back and forth. Support for the composition of a district team is found in the MICIP Process Guide (different than the Platform Guide) and updated on the MDE's MICIP website that features the MICIP Collaboration Series Dashboard hosted by D. Hundt, M. Fine, H. Irani and F. Holes, |
MICIP: A new way of thinkingRe-Start 4.18.23 OAISDIllustration of District Team |
MICIP Process Guide
For the 2021/22 school year, Districts need to develop at least ONE GOAL in the MICIP Platform (that's it!)It is recommended that you select a goal that is already front and center for your district, maybe student health and wellness during this pandemic. It is also recommended you write your plan in a Google Doc (see below) in 2021 then transfer into the MICIP Platform.
The MICIP Collaboration Planning Guide was designed to walk your team through the MICIP process to develop a goal and use data to drive conversations and identify strategies that support all students. The Guide was converted into an Enhanced Google Doc for MICIP. The MICIP Process Guide also has three sample goals in the appendix, starting on page 60 for Literacy, Social Emotional Learning, and Mathematics. In addition, here is another sample based on a district who pursued communicating their plan in an infographic, like Bear Valley. Below is a SAMPLE Safe & Healthy Plan and a BLANK Template for districts to make their own copy. |