Getting Re-Started with MICIP
Primary Resources for Guidance
The MICIP Collaboration Planning Guide was designed to walk your team through the MICIP process to develop a goal and use data to drive conversations and identify strategies that support all students. The Guide was converted into an Enhanced Google Doc for MICIP.
The MICIP Process Guide also has three sample goals in the appendix, starting on page 60 for Literacy, Social Emotional Learning, and Mathematics. In addition, there are some more local examples submitted while still "in-progress, such as:
The MICIP Process Guide also has three sample goals in the appendix, starting on page 60 for Literacy, Social Emotional Learning, and Mathematics. In addition, there are some more local examples submitted while still "in-progress, such as:
- ZPS Safe & Healthy Students, ZPS Mathematics (snap-shot in progress of Data Story)
- *HC Academic Excellence (Literacy) (see added table for activities and depth of Data Story), and
- *JPS Initial Organization of Strategies and Activities, without depth of data story.
District Samples of Organization from Dearborn and Zeeland
Dearborn Public Schools - Overview of organizing 1 Goal with 2 Strategies: PPT Presentation
Zeeland Public Schools - Overview of organizing 3 Goals: ZPS Overview of Three Goals PPT