SIP Components (vary by building type)
Executive Summary (OPTIONAL for All Schools and All Districts starting 2016/17 ) = Contains a description of the demographics; school or district's purpose (vision, mission, belief); notable achievements or areas of improvement (this is an ideal area to include the "Big Ideas" of the district); and any additional information. IF you need a reminder how to Copy, Attach, Complete, Submit, and/or Approve Diagnostics, visit ASSIST Support Page. |
Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement (OPTIONAL for All Schools but required for All Districts starting 2016/17) = Briefly describe the improvement planning process, including: selection and engagement of stakeholders, participation in the development, and how the plan is communicated to all stakeholders.
School Data Analysis (OPTIONAL for All Schools starting 2017/18) = Analysis questions covering all four types of data (demographic, achievement, process, and perception). An entire page as been dedicated to this process, simply navigate to the School Data Analysis page and/or the SDA Guidance Document.
School Additional Requirements Diagnostic (OPTIONAL for All Schools starting 2016/17) = Assurances are simply yes/no questions that are required for every district; however, the questions are not differentiated for the building level (i.e. High Schools will be asked if they test annually ELA and Math in grades 1 - 5). If the assurance is not applicable for the specific building, check No and type in the explanation n/a. This is also the area where Title I Schools are NOW required to submit their Professional Development Plan, according to these PD Attachment Instructions. You are allowed to simply create a PDF of "Professional Learning" Activities in your SIP as that should encompass your PD Plan.
District Additional Requirements Diagnostic (All Districts) = Assurances are simply yes/no questions that are required for every district such as: CIMS, internet usage and safety, technology access and literacy, etc.
Health and Safety (HSAT) Diagnostic (OPTIONAL for all buildings who took the HSAT)
Title I Targeted or Schoolwide Diagnostic (Required for all Title I buildings) = Regardless if you have an On-Site Review scheduled, utilize one of these step-by-step templates with comments from an auditor to complete the requirements for Title: Targeted Template or Schoolwide Template updated March, 2014 plus blank MS Word Docs for both TA and SW templates. Check the building status or ASSIST to determine if Targeted or Schoolwide; SW requires 40% Free/Reduced lunch and a year-long application process, but offers several benefits. There is a separate guidance document specifically to support compliance of the Title I School Parent Involvement Policy updated March, 2014.
School Data Analysis (OPTIONAL for All Schools starting 2017/18) = Analysis questions covering all four types of data (demographic, achievement, process, and perception). An entire page as been dedicated to this process, simply navigate to the School Data Analysis page and/or the SDA Guidance Document.
School Additional Requirements Diagnostic (OPTIONAL for All Schools starting 2016/17) = Assurances are simply yes/no questions that are required for every district; however, the questions are not differentiated for the building level (i.e. High Schools will be asked if they test annually ELA and Math in grades 1 - 5). If the assurance is not applicable for the specific building, check No and type in the explanation n/a. This is also the area where Title I Schools are NOW required to submit their Professional Development Plan, according to these PD Attachment Instructions. You are allowed to simply create a PDF of "Professional Learning" Activities in your SIP as that should encompass your PD Plan.
District Additional Requirements Diagnostic (All Districts) = Assurances are simply yes/no questions that are required for every district such as: CIMS, internet usage and safety, technology access and literacy, etc.
Health and Safety (HSAT) Diagnostic (OPTIONAL for all buildings who took the HSAT)
Title I Targeted or Schoolwide Diagnostic (Required for all Title I buildings) = Regardless if you have an On-Site Review scheduled, utilize one of these step-by-step templates with comments from an auditor to complete the requirements for Title: Targeted Template or Schoolwide Template updated March, 2014 plus blank MS Word Docs for both TA and SW templates. Check the building status or ASSIST to determine if Targeted or Schoolwide; SW requires 40% Free/Reduced lunch and a year-long application process, but offers several benefits. There is a separate guidance document specifically to support compliance of the Title I School Parent Involvement Policy updated March, 2014.